Principal Investigator
John M. Essigmann
Department of Biological Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue, Room 56-669
Cambridge, MA 02139
Tel. 617-253-6227
Fax 617-253-5449
E-mail: jessig [at]
Essigmann Laboratory
Department of Biological Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue, Room 56-651
(for Fedex/DHL/Courier use: 32 Vassar Street, Room 56-669)
Cambridge, MA 02139
Tel. 617-253-5772
Fax 617-253-5449
Administrative Assistant
Rose McCarthy
Department of Biological Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue, Room 56-669
(for Fedex/DHL/Courier use: 32 Vassar Street, Room 56-669)
Cambridge, MA 02139
Tel. 617 253 6224
Fax 617-253-5445
E-mail: rosem196 [at]
By car: Contact Rose for a parking permit for the Hayward garage. To get to Building 56, enter Building E25 across from the Hayward lot and walk through the building onto the outside plaza. Cross Ames Street and enter Building 66. Walk through Building 66 to the lobby of Buildings 56/16. Use the elevator in this lobby to go to the 6th floor.
By subway: This map shows the location of the Kendall T stop. To reach Building 56, walk through Buildings E25, 66, and into the lobby of Buildings 56/16.
Site Development
Website developed by Clint Valentine